- Three-room apartment for rent in the center of Sofia, 44 Patriarh Evtimiy blvd.bulevard Patriarh Evtimiy850€
- Multi-room apartment for rent in Iztok qt.15 Frederic Joliot-Curie Street, bl. 3, fl. 2-3, ap. 3-53,000€
- Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Iztok qt.16 Frederic Joliot Curie str., bl.155, fl. 6, ap.11,200€
- Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Iztok qt.15 Fr. Joliot Currie Str., building 3, floor 16, ap. 301,250€
- Three-bedroom apartment for rent in Iztok sq., Sofia15 Frederick J. Curie Street, bl. 3, ap. 111,800€
- Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Iztok district, Sofia17 Frederic Joliot Curie str., building 2, floor 9, ap. 171,340€
- Three-bedroom apartment for rent in Iztok district, Sofia17 Frederic Joliot Curie str., building 2, floor 11, ap. 201,250€
- Two-bedroom apartment for rent, near Zaimov Park, Sofia19 Yanko Sakazov Blvd., floor 2, ap. 6700€